How can I track activity in Salesgenie Team?

It can be hard to know how successful a list of leads is, and even harder to know the activity your team puts into turning those leads into customers. That’s why Salesgenie Team Edition offers a number of ways to track activity that make it easy.

Activity is measured by changes or edits in a lead record, changes in the Lead Status or by Follow Ups being scheduled. Success is measured by customers won.

The following will explain in detail all the ways you can track activity and measure success, but the interface itself is designed to be very visual and intuitive. Schedule a tour with your customer service representative so you can take a tour and see for yourself how Salesgenie’s Team Editions can drive performance and deliver results!

The Admin has access to team User performance reporting through the Salesgenie Team Home dashboard. In addition to current Team reports, the Admin can see:

  • A Sales pipeline of leads worked and leads converted by day, week, month or quarter
  • Charted activity by all lists, individual lists or multiple lists, including conversions and the ability to map lists
  • Charted activity by all team Users, an individual team User or multiple team Users

From the Home Dashboard, navigate to the following areas:

Review the Progress Bar for each list in the My Leads section of the Team Home Dashboard. A good way to look at activity for any particular list of leads, the Progress Bar quickly displays the volume of leads worked relative to the entire size of the list. Hover over the Progress Bar for a pop-up showing:

  • Total number of records in that list
  • Total number of records worked
  • Total number of records unworked
  • Total number of records unassigned to a team User
  • The Lead Status Pie Chart showing the Lead Status breakdown for the records in this list, with percentages showing how many of the records in this list are currently at each of the Lead Status levels.

By clicking on the arrow to the left of the list name, a window will appear beneath the list with two view options:

Assignments: There are four components to this view showing team User activity on this list:

1) Individual User Activity:  By list across 3 columns:

  • Assigned To: See the team Users assigned to this list. Click the “+Assign Leads” link to add more team Users to the unassigned leads on this list
  • Progress: This progress bar provides a quick glance by team Users of their progress on their assigned leads for this list. Hover your mouse over the progress bar for that team User to see details on total leads, leads worked and unworked leads and a Lead Status pie graph chart
  • Worked/Total: The total number of leads works versus the number of leads assigned

PLEASE NOTE: If no users have been assigned to this list, you will only see the “+ Assign Leads” link.

2) Customers Won: Total customers won for this list displayed for the Last 7 Days and Last 30 days

3) Leads Worked: Total leads worked for this list Today, over the Last 7 Days and the Last 30 Days.

4) Average Worked Per Day: Total number of leads worked on this list over the last 5 business days

  • Progress: There are two components to this view showing overall progress on this list:
    • Progress: A quick glance of leads worked on the graphical bar with total number of leads Worked, Unworked and Unassigned below it.
    • Lead Status: The percentage of leads in this list at each of lead statuses (without the pie chart).

Sales Pipeline: A graphical interface giving a quick overview of activity and results across team members and lists. This view is best used for tracking overall progress on two key results – leads worked and new customers. The Sales Pipeline shows the activity for Leads Worked or New Customers over 4 different time ranges (By Day, Week, Month or Quarter)

Team Member Activity: Click on Show Details underneath the Sales Pipeline and select Team Member activity to see team Users and the lists where activity has been recorded. Hover your mouse over the Progress Bar to get more details.

Follow Ups: Select the Follow Ups icon in the Team Home Dashboard to go to the Follow Ups screen view where you can see a list of all the follow-ups your Users have scheduled. Narrow the view to see the follow-ups scheduled for one particular team member or by a date range.

Use the Team Data filter criteria selections in the Build List/Search screen for other ways to track activity by lead list. Going this route will quickly allow you to scroll through the actual list to reassign or deploy direct mail and email marketing campaigns.

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