Why should I upload my customer data?

Our Customer Data capability allows you to maximize your use of Salesgenie to find new customers and reach existing customers while managing current customers, and future customers in one easy-to-use online tool.  

There are several reasons why you should upload your data to Salesgenie:

  • Data append: Update your customer data with the latest Salesgenie information.  You can also use appended demographic, firmographic, and geographic data with a wide range of characteristics from Salesgenie’s databases.
  • Data management: Easily search, query, and export details about your customers.
  • Customer suppression: Quickly suppress customer records from your prospecting lists.
  • Status and tagging: Automatically add status icons and custom tags to customer records matched within our databases.
  • Mapping: Plot customers and prospects together on a map for your sales force to use in the field.
  • Acquisition marketing: Use Salesgenie’s analysis and cloning tools on your existing customer data to identify key characteristics that will help you find new customers. See which prospects are close to current customers to plan not only your marketing but also your travel. Just as important, suppress existing customers in your search for new customers, so you’re not duplicating your efforts.
  • Retention Marketing:  Use our data tools to learn more about your existing customers, view them easily on a map and to refine your marketing efforts to them. Our marketing tools make reaching current customers a snap. Simply upload your customer file and Salesgenie will match your records with its own database.

All matched records can be marked as current customers using lead status icons. You can also add custom tags to identify common traits and keep your lists organized. All data and marketing services will be available for your matched customer records.

Click Here to learn how to Upload Your Customer Data

Click Here to view Salesgenie's Customer Data Terms & Conditions

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