When should I save my search?

Because you’re allowed an unlimited number of saved searches in Salesgenie, save as often as you would like. Think of saved searches as snapshots of a particular mix of filter criteria selections.

It’s important to consider saving a search for some of the following reasons:

  • The current set of filter criteria selections represent a core customer or prospect list that will be useful as a starting point for further refinements and targeting.
  • The current set of filter criteria selections represent a group to target in a marketing campaign.

As you’re testing different filter criteria and updating record counts, save a search as a “breadcrumb” to help you get back to an original or core set of filter criteria. This makes experimenting with the different filtering options “paths” that you can trace back, making your time in Salesgenie more productive.

The current set of filter criteria selections represent a group to assign to a user in the Team edition.

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