What are email credits and use-cases?

Email Credits are used to send emails, purchase email addresses, or “rent” an email address(s). We have two types of Email Credits: Prospect and Subscribed credits.

There are three uses for Prospect Email Credits:

  1. Individual Contact Email - 1:1 communication
  2. Email List Download - download list
  3. Prospect Email Campaigns - renting emails for campaigns

Individual Contact Email (1:1 communication)

While looking at the Company Detail screen in the U.S. Business database, individual executive fields might display a “Get Email Address” if an email is available. 

Click on the “Get Email Address” to open an email addressed to that executive on your own client email platform, allowing you to send the executive an email directly from your device and your email address.  

This action will use one Prospect Email Credit.

Email List Download (business emails only)

When you create a list of executives within the U.S. Business database to purchase with a Lead Credit, you can also add the executive email to the purchase with an Prospect Email Credit.  Each email address added to a U.S. Business executive record is one Prospect Email Credit.

Email Campaigns (emails for marketing campaigns)

These Email Credits work with both the Business and Consumer databases. When using the Email marketing tool to send a campaign, either to Businesses or Consumers, email credits will be charged for each campaign depending on the type of campaign you send. Each individual targeted email recipient is one email credit depending on the type of campaign.

Prospect Email Credits will be used on email campaigns when the target audience is Salesgenie data from a saved search, or if you upload email addresses purchased from a 3rd party in which you do not have a preexisting relationship with those email recipients. Prospect emails are acquisition campaigns with contacts who have not opted into receive your email marketing campaigns, but you can still contact them. When using a saved search email, this is like renting that email from Salesgenie for your campaign.

Subscribed Email Credits will be used on email campaigns when the target audience are who you have an existing customer relationship with the email recipients. Subscribed emails are retention campaigns with contacts who you have done business with and have opted into receive your email marketing campaigns.  These campaigns are designed to continue that customer relationship and retain them for future purchases. 

NOTE: When using Email Credits for either the Individual Contact Email or Campaign Email, sent email records, replies or form captures that include email addresses give you the ability to “own” those emails and add them to that individual Business or Consumer record. You will not be charged email credits to use these emails in the future.

PRO TIP: If you already have a customer or prospect’s email address, Salesgenie gives you an extremely powerful email marketing tool you can use as part of your paid subscription using Subscribed Email Credits. 

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