What are some best practices for Direct Mail?

1. Know Who Your Targets Are

Define the right customers. Sounds easy, right? Well, it takes a little work. You’ll need to gather information on your customers. You should already be retaining basic information on your customers such as name, address, phone number, and purchase history.

Salesgenie can help you collect deeper data, such as marital status, approximate net worth, annual income, or number of children, to name a few. Now you’re building a robust picture of your customers. Look at your best customers and identify the traits they have in common, then see if you have more like them on your list.

2. Make it Targeted and Personal

Define your customers by segment, then create an offer relevant to them. When you know exactly who you’re mailing to, and what those people need, you’re more likely to get a response.

Additionally, you can differentiate each segment with its own source or offer code, so that the success of each group is tracked. Personalize your direct mail piece by using the prospect’s first name in your introductory message.

3. Reach Out at the Right Time

Reviewing purchase history will tell you who’s been buying and when. Look for patterns – a time of year, a high response rate to a 10% off promotion, etc. Keep the momentum going without being overbearing. If a customer’s purchase history has dried up, it’s totally fine to call and find out why

There’s also a line of thought that getting a direct mail piece in-home near the end of the week increases success. The theory is that people pile up their mail during the work week and then take time over the weekend to go through it. If your piece gets in their hands close to the weekend, it will be at the top of the pile when your customer has time to read it.

4. Get Their Attention

A properly designed postcard is key to driving your message home. You’ll need clear, bold language so the recipient immediately knows what you’re saying. Choose a color that pops, and that works with a photo or graphic that supports your message.

Make sure your offer is prominently displayed, and that your company name and logo are present. These are all the things your customers need to respond to the postcard.

5. Pile on the Email and Display Advertising (Multi-Channel)

These tips work for email and display campaigns too. Sending the right message to the right targets at the right time can be just as effective when done digitally. In fact, your direct mail campaign can be strengthened when followed up with a corresponding email and display campaigns. Just make sure your design and message are cohesive, so that one clear, distinct message is sent by mail and email and online.


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