How to use Big Data and Salesgenie in Your Direct Marketing

Built into the Salesgenie platform are some of the efficient and proven marketing tools available.

Accessing these marketing tools starts with identifying your target customers – often using a Saved Search. The Saved Search can come from building a list from any of the Salesgenie databases, working with your own Customer Data, or a combination of both.

The marketing tools are accessible at every Salesgenie subscription level, but more advanced analytics and reporting tools are available in the 360 and Enterprise packages.

Direct Mail Campaigns

Direct Mail is one of the most proven direct marketing techniques for putting your message directly in the hands of your customers or prospects.  Salesgenie’s Direct Mail platform allows you to design, print, and send direct mail campaigns from your computer.

Note: You will be billed directly in the system based on the type of direct mail piece to be printed, the type of postage, and the quantity to be used in order for the campaign to proceed.

Email Marketing Campaigns

  • Targeted Campaigns: Choose from hundreds of firmographic and demographic criteria to reach your specific target market.
  • Quick Turnaround Time: Email campaigns can be put together in a few minutes rather than the days or weeks required for print promotions.
  • Accurate Reporting: Get tracking reports with information on emails sent, delivered, bounced, opened, and more.
  • List of Responders: Get detailed information to follow-up with prospects that opened and clicked your email.
  • Professional Expertise: Salesgenie experts are always available to help you build your list, design your email, ensure delivery, and track results.

Well established as the highest return-on-investment of any of the digital marketing methods, having a relationship with customers and prospects where they open, read, and click through your emails is invaluable. Salesgenie’s email platform allows you to use your own list, a purchased list or a rented list to build, send, and track email campaigns.

Note: You will use Email credits with this tool. Email Credits are tracked and can be purchase from the Summary right sidebar on the Home Dashboard or by contacting your Database Consultant at 877.708.3844.

Search Engine Marketing / PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Online Advertising

How does Search Engine Marketing / PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising Work?
1) Create your ad

2) People see your ad on Google AdWords™, Yahoo™, or Bing™

3) Prospects find you and you get more customers!  It’s that simple.

Get in front of customers as they research your product or service online and they prepare to make a final decision. As a top online advertiser from the early days of search engines, Salesgenie is an elite Google Premier Partner, helping thousands of companies with their own search engine marketing and pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. Contact your Salesgenie Expert for more information.

Note: This will be billed separately from your Salesgenie account with a payment method directly linked to your Google Adwords account.

PRO TIP: Salesgenie follows the highest standards set out by Google for Adwords account management. This includes your business having ownership of its own Adwords account with complete transparency in activity and reporting. Google recommends any business using Adwords have its own account. If you have questions about your existing Adwords account ownership or program, please contact your Salesgenie Expert at 877.708.3844.

Online Display Ads

Salesgenie Display Advertising experts can help you build sales with programmatic campaigns -- based on geography, demographic, and behavioral interests -- to reach and retarget customers and prospects with online display ads.

  • Identify target audience
  • Append dataset with cookie and device ID
  • Pass the data to Google AdWords™, Facebook™, Yahoo™, or Bing™
  • Serve ads to target audience
  • Monitor and optimize campaign
  • Compile results and deliver reporting.

Build sales with programmatic campaigns -- based on geography, demographic, and behavioral interests -- to reach and retarget customers and prospects with online display ads.

These are ads that are served anywhere, anytime, on any device. Most online advertising inventory – whether on a website or mobile app – is partly or exclusively managed by ad exchanges that use precise targeting and real-time-bidding (RTB) to deliver online display ads.  When you notice online ads following you around as you surf the web or navigate the apps on your mobile device, that’s programmatic retargeting. Contact your Salesgenie Expert at 877.708.3844 for more information.

Get inspired with different ad formats

The combination of Data Axle’s databases and Salesgenie’s interface with filtering, analysis, and tracking tools make the ideal platform for these important marketing tools. The best marketing campaigns deliver the right message to the right target at the right time. Salesgenie let’s you do that across multiple marketing channels.

Note: Salesgenie’s marketing tools (dialer, email campaigns, direct mail campaigns) are not included in the standard “Print & Download” credits included with each subscription.  Speak to your Salesgenie Expert for pricing and details.  Call 877.708.3844.

1-to-1 Dialer / Telemarketing Campaigns

Oftentimes, nothing beats just getting on the phone and calling customers and prospects directly. It is a personal touch that is only outdone by the personal visit. This telemarketing function, also known as the Salesgenie Dialer, works with U.S. Businesses only. Leave the outbound dialing to technology, so you can focus on connecting with customers or prospects and drive sales as phone calls are answered.

The Salesgenie Dialer is also a great tool with the Team subscription level, allowing you to manage a group on a calling campaign so calls are distributed and managed efficiently, without duplicating efforts.

Note: Dialer Minutes are required for this feature.  Minutes can be purchase from the Summary right sidebar on the Home Dashboard, or you can talk to your Salesgenie Expert at 877.708.3844 for details.

Click here to learn more about the Salesgenie Dialer.

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